The Best Test Generator for Teachers

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In a review of 20 internet articles on the top reasons to be a teacher, a number of exciting reasons popped up. From job security and the ability to influence the upcoming generation to constantly learning new skills and staying fresh with the current vocabulary, fashion, and music, there were all kinds of answers. However, not one single answer on any of the sites said anything about writing tests. That's because writing tests is not generally the best part of being a teacher, and everybody knows that.

ExamView, powered by Echo360, can change that for you. It can make creating tests (as) fun (as possible). Continue reading to learn about how ExamView can change the way you write tests and more.

How can test generators for teachers help me?

Why do teachers struggle with creating tests? There are many answers to this question, but it can be boiled down to one basic idea. Teachers want to make sure that their evaluation gives a true indication of how well students have learned the information the instructor has been teaching. Determining the best way to do that can cause a great deal of stress while it cuts into the teacher's free time.

With ExamView, this is no longer the case. ExamView gives teachers access to question banks based on more than 12,000 textbooks by more than 65 publishers. And if a particular question isn't represented, teachers can add in their own questions, as well. This way, no matter what title you're using in your class, you can create a test that is relevant and challenging for your students.

If “answer sharing,” otherwise known as cheating, is a concern, don't worry. ExamView can instantly create up to 26 versions of the same test. If every student's Question 9 is different, the temptation to share the answers is removed.

ExamView can do more than just create summative assessments for a particular unit. You can also use the program to create assignments, worksheets, and practice tests for your students. In fact, personalized learning is possible because ExamView is so easy to use.

You can start by giving all students a practice test. Then, based on the answers they get wrong, you can create worksheet assignments for individual students who need more work on specific topics. You can have students work on these assignments in small groups based on which topics they are studying or you can offer one-on-one assistance.

Then you can repeat the practice test to make sure students have improved their scores. This way, you can be sure each student is prepared for the final test on the subject.

You could never offer this kind of personalized education if you had to hand-grade each practice test, but with ExamView, students can use their phones or clickers to answer test questions and you can see the results instantly. This allows you to easily track student performance and identify areas of improvement.

How can I use this test generator in my classroom?

If ExamView sounds like just the answer to your assessment needs, contact us today. We'll walk you through a demonstration of all of ExamView's excellent features. And because the program is based on our e³ philosophy, which is based on equity, engagement, and evidence, you can be assured that it will meet all of your students' needs.

Sign up for the Dojo360 demo today.

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