Creative Uses of Student Response Systems

Join Dr. Christopher Wiley, Senior Lecturer in Music at The University of Surrey, to hear how he uses Turning to engage the classroom.

Kevin HerrholtzDr. Christopher Wiley
Kevin Herrholtz
Vice President of Client Experience & Solutions

Kevin oversees Client Experience & Solutions by ensuring clients have an optimal experience with Turning and its products. He has more than 13 years of experience in education and training, is a frequent speaker for ATD, and was instrumental in developing the training and implementation teams at Turning, as well as overhauling the client care process.

Dr. Christopher Wiley
Senior Lecturer in Music at The University of Surrey

Dr. Christopher Wiley is Senior Lecturer in Music at the University of Surrey in the United Kingdom. His teaching focuses on topics including classical music, popular music, and musical theater. Dr. Wiley has presented papers at education conferences across Europe and delivered learning and teaching workshops at many UK universities. He is the author of Using Electronic Voting Systems in the Arts and Humanities, a report published in 2015 by the Higher Education Academy, as well as articles on education in the journals Arts & Humanities in Higher Education (2021), Studies in Educational Evaluation (2019), and The International Journal of Assessment and Evaluation (2014). He became an International Distinguished Educator with Turning Technologies in 2012, a National Teaching Fellow in 2013, and a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy in 2017.


Thursday, June 24 at 9 a.m. EST

Ready to challenge some common myths about student response systems? Turning isn’t just used for the STEM and business subjects, but all instructors and professors.

Join Dr. Christopher Wiley, Senior Lecturer in Music at The University of Surrey, to hear how he has used the technology that goes beyond the right-or-wrong multiple choice question. Dr. Wiley discusses using response systems with other learning technologies such as lecture capture, then looks at student feedback on the technology, finishing with a few tips for getting started.

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Kevin Herrholtz
Vice President of Client Experience & Solutions

Kevin oversees Client Experience & Solutions by ensuring clients have an optimal experience with Turning and its products. He has more than 13 years of experience in education and training, is a frequent speaker for ATD, and was instrumental in developing the training and implementation teams at Turning, as well as overhauling the client care process.